Five Minute Friday

5 Minute Friday: Manage Expectations Strategically

It’s important that you set the right expectations for your clients and customers – otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

5 Minute Friday: Provide Value Before You Ask for Anything

It’s important to understand that you can’t take a “me-first” approach to referral relationships – or really, any relationships for that matter.

Zig Ziglar said that “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

So your approach to relationships should be, first and foremost, how can I help the other person get what they want in their business and their life?

5 Minute Friday: People Want to Make Referrals

Believe it or not, people want to make referrals to you, because it allows them to accumulate “social capital.” Your job is simply to make it easy for them!

5 Minute Friday: What’s Your ‘Why?’

You can’t fake passion – at least not for very long. But running a business can be a grind, and it’s easy to get burned out. As the leader of your business, you have to find a way to recapture the passion and get fired up about your business again. This episode will help.

5 Minute Friday: Make a “Press Plan”

Gaining consistent media exposure is all about relationships with key journalists and media gatekeepers. Learn how to create your press plan and leverage these key relationships.

5 Minute Friday: Systems Make it Happen

Systems keep your marketing – and your business – running smoothly. In this episode I have some thoughts, along with a book recommendation, on how to create systems to make sure that your marketing actually happens!

5 Minute Friday: Get Out There!

Ever had one of those days where you just feel like staying in bed? I know I have.

But if you push through it and put yourself out there, you might be amazed at what opportunities you uncover. Get out there!