Month: November 2019

Cause and Effect

If you’re not happy with certain aspects in your business… you can change them! The current state of your business is a direct result of your past actions and strategies. What actions can you take today, to drive different outcomes tomorrow? 

Stop Looking for the Easy Button!

Business owners get in trouble when they chase after “bright shiny objects” and “magic solutions” that are supposed to fix everything for their business. The truth is, effective marketing requires a real strategy – there’s no “easy button!”

How to Raise Prices: Target Clients That Can Afford Higher Rates

If you want to charge higher prices and still win the business, it’s important that you target clients and customers that can afford your rates! 

How to Raise Prices: Build Your Personal Brand

One of the most direct strategies that you can use to justify higher price points is developing your own personal brand as an expert in your niche. 

How to Raise Your Prices: Find a “Specific Application” 

Raising your prices is the key to growing your business. Higher prices create higher profit margin, which gives you the ability to invest back into your business. Today, we talk about how to justify your higher price points by tailoring your products and services to a specific niche.